How to Optimize & Own Your Google Business Profile

Your Google Business Profile (GBP) is more powerful and versatile than you might think. What used to be a simple listing with basic information has transformed into a comprehensive lead generator for your business.

High-performing Google Business Profiles can drive countless website visitors, prospects, and customers daily. Here’s how to use your Google Business Profile to its full potential and, in the process, ensure you retain true administrative ownership of your profile so you always have access to it.

Why Spend the Extra Time on GBP Optimization?

A GBP is useful for businesses of all types and sizes, and investing time in optimizing your GBP can yield ongoing returns on your investment. Statistics show that more than half of GBP visits result in website visits, and nearly half of businesses receive appointment requests directly through their GBPs. Whether people contact you directly through the GBP or take the extra step to visit your website, you have generated a warm lead, possibly even in your sleep. If you are a local business, GBP is truly essential, as more than 97% of people find local businesses on the internet (most of them through Google, with GBP as a top search result).

What Info Can You Add?

Your Google Business Profile allows you to showcase all sorts of information about your business, including:

  • Business Name: Ensure your business name is accurate and upholds your brand identity.
  • Business Category: Choose the most relevant category that aligns with your products or services.
  • Business Description: Write a compelling and concise description that highlights your unique selling points and captures the attention of potential customers.
  • Main Contact Information: Provide essential contact details, including your address (which links directly with Google Maps for easy directions), phone number, and website.
  • Hours of Operation: Make sure your operating hours are up to date to avoid customer frustration caused by outdated information. GBP owners can also customize special holiday hours or closings as needed throughout the year.
  • Photos and Videos: Upload high-quality photos and videos that showcase your business, products, services, and team.
  • Posts: Take advantage of the post feature to promote upcoming events, special offers, or new products. Regularly add posts to keep customers informed and engaged.
  • Specific Products or Services: Highlight flagship offerings to provide customers with a better understanding of what sets your business apart.
  • FAQs: Anticipate common questions and give detailed answers to address customer inquiries proactively.

In-House or Outsource? A Little Bit of Both

As Google places greater emphasis on GBPs and add news features, many businesses are turning to trusted marketing agencies like Netwave to optimize their profiles. While it’s beneficial to hire professionals for this task, it’s essential to retain ownership and administrative control of your profile. As the business owner, you should be set up as the administrator to ensure complete control of your Google Business Profile. Have a professional team like Netwave assist you in optimizing your GBP while keeping you as the primary administrator.

Ongoing Optimization

Optimizing your Google Business Profile is not a one-time task; it requires ongoing management and updates to continue the momentum on Google. Here are a few additional tips to ensure your profile remains effective, and how Netwave can help:

  • Encourage Customer Reviews: Actively seek reviews from satisfied customers and respond to them promptly. Positive reviews boost credibility and attract more customers to your business. Netwave can provide you with a custom review request form for clients or customers to complete. Netwave will also conduct research and suggest what keywords would be most beneficial in the requested reviews to boost your GBP into additional search results.
  • Monitor and Respond to Inquiries: Regularly check your GBP for customer inquiries and messages. Responding promptly and professionally shows excellent customer service, which can positively influence potential customers. Providing answers to questions will also assist future customers if they have a similar question, saving you time from answering the same question over and over.
  • Use Insights and Analytics: Take advantage of the insights and analytics provided by your GBP. These valuable tools offer data on customer engagement, search queries, and user behavior. Apply this information to make informed decisions and refine your online strategies. Not familiar with these tools or don’t have the time to learn them? Netwave can provide consistent GBP audits to suggest areas for improvement and identify opportunities to generate additional leads.
  • Leverage Local SEO Practices: Optimizing your GBP can contribute to improving your local search engine optimization (SEO). Include relevant keywords, add location-specific content, and acquire local backlinks to enhance your local SEO efforts.
  • Maintain Consistency: Ensure consistent information across all online platforms, including your GBP. Consistency in business name, address, phone number, and other details builds trust with customers and search engines alike.

Don’t underestimate the power of your Google Business Profile. With ongoing optimization, prompt customer interactions, and an aligned marketing strategy, you can turn your GBP into an always-on lead machine. We’re here to help! Contact us to get started.
