What’s in a Logo?

A logo is a symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc.

Look up “logo” in the dictionary and you’ll find the definition of what the term logo means. What you won’t find is what makes them so important and how much your business can benefit from having a strong one.

A logo, put simply, is a visual representation of your brand. In other words, it visually communicates what your business is all about. All serious companies use one, and customers do notice.

To customers, brands that use a logo come across more official and trustworthy than those that don’t. A logo gives individuality to your business, making your company easily recognizable to your potential (and current) customers. If we asked you to draw the Nike logo, we’re sure you could do it. What about the Target department store logo? Easy right?

When creating a logo, it’s important to get a fresh set of eyes. Professional designers have a unique insight into how certain colors, patterns, fonts and graphics are perceived by consumers. They can then use this information to portray certain messages.

A logo can consist of a wordmark (text only), a symbol, or a combination of the two. Some popular ones that are made up of only a wordmark include Disney, Google and Coca-Cola. In these types, the brand names themselves are used to form the logo without the need of a symbol. On the other hand, brands that are well known for using just a symbol include Apple, Nike, and Chanel.

BUT BEWARE – A poorly designed logo can actually do more harm than good. That’s why it’s so important to look to a professional when developing a logo for your business. They can work with you to make sure your target audience gets the impression you want in a memorable and effective way.

Remember, consistency is key. Your logo will be on everything from signage, promotions and stationary to social media and your products. Make sure your logo is something that you can truly be proud of.

Not happy with your existing logo? Are you under new management? Sometimes change is necessary, especially if your business is going in a new direction. There is always opportunity to change.

After realizing there was a shift in their marketplace, Ebay tweaked the logo they had for 17 long years. Even our own logo has gone through some revamping lately. Done in the right way, and for the right reasons, a new logo can give your business a fresh look.

If you have any logo-related needs, Netwave can meet with you to discuss your potential or existing branding; contact us today. Check out our portfolio section to see some of the logo and branding projects we’ve done recently.
